Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Sequoia Brewing Company 10/22

the four of us are studying here: jen, myself, and the two pints. poor pints. over jens shoulder you can just make out a person wearing the 'fresno uniform'. mullet w/ tanktop. jen is studying psych something or other, and im reading student fiction work. as the pints fade, my handwriting becomes worse...poor handwriting.

Livingroom 10/16

updating my webpage. my ipa rests atop a beermat, which sits on my wood floors, which need to be refinished. the ipa is mighty fine...especially at home.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Sequoia Brewing Company 10/15

another IPA fading into the sunset of my schoolwork. on the laptop, is my current story, Ten Fingers, Ten Toes. its a story, in part, about a paralyzed man who frequents a prostitute. like a student of mine said, "edgy."

Sal's 9/19

here is ginny, twin to her sister charlotte. here im drinking a trendy corona with lime. im not a beer elitist, so get that notion out of your head right now. its a quick simple beer that doesnt invovle much commitment...kind of like the twins.

incidentally, the twins got to hang out with don henley after the eagles concert...right place at the right time. that, and the fact that they are twins.

Sequoia Brewing Company

apparently, iggy pop always ordered his beer two at a time...ordering less, he said, was a waste of time. i figured i should follow the greats and do the same.

here, two IPA stand undaunted at part one of my thesis project on chang rae lee. i need to read all three of his works by christmas. i figured it was time for the two of them to meet. lee, beer. beer, lee.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Sequoia Brewing Company 2/05-Happy Hour

im reading, here m. butterfly by david henry wang for my asian american lit class while drinking this IPA. 1/2 of fries to finish it out. those people in the distance were annoyed that i was reading in a pub...silly 'people in the distance'. m. butterfly is about a cross-dressing japanese spy who deceives an american soldier into revealing secrets...silly american soldier!

Red Hook, Seattle WA 11/04

this is a red hook ipa towering over the tragic remains of dinner. hardly noticeable on the upper left is my daughter throwing down the cheesiest grin on the planet. 'garcon! the girl wants a brew!'

Sequoia Brewing Company 1/05

on this occasion, notice the fried pickle appetizer cowering beneath the motohead brew. oh man, these sound distrubingly gross, but they arent. seems like one of those freaked out southern dishes that will end up eventually leading to a heart attack.

Sushi Day 4/05

my favorite spot for sushi. youre seeing here an asahi beer towering over a few spicy tuna rolls. poor tuna. the people at the end of the bar were particularly fascinating because the females were blindingly pretty (north fresno pretty), but they were hanging out with that bearded grizzly adams dude. something didn't add up until i realized that it had to be about the power, the mystical POWER, of sushi. fellas, take note.