Saturday, November 19, 2005

Sequoia Brewing Company 11/19

still working on my last paper. lets hear it for sequoia and its free wifi!! i may never go home again. you see here a 'rye p.a.', a small order of taters, and my saturday afternoon is complete. all hail fiction, wifi, beer and taters.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

11/11 Brad's (Duhliterate's Brother) Basement

its entirely possilbe that the fluid in the slurpee cup isnt a beer--im not certain that i remember. to the left you can spy one brad's new light sabers...this one is dearth vader's. its flippin awsome. check out the duhliterate site for a better pic. to the right check out battlefront 2 being rocked on the projection screen. big big rockin. take that rebel scum.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Sequoia Brewing Company 10/29

here you see two hearless slags who bogarted the table that i normally sit at. irritating middle-aged fresno state tailgaters. the IPAs stand cold and defiant. the waiter blasted his tip by taking his time in getting them to me. no matter, im onto my next fiction story. i was slammig away the pages, and two soul-less dolts interrupted me and asked me what i was writing. a drunken discussion of the arts ensued. poor unknown author.