Friday, September 08, 2006

Sequoia Brewing Company 9/2

i dont really remember why i took the pic from this angle, though i do remember the fellow with the hat. its pulled down to his eyelids limp bizkit style, and he kept saying 'word'. looks to be in his mid-forties. quite a my ipa.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Sequoia Brewing Company 8/19

aside from the trend of rougher elements showing up for the random pint, there's been another trend of parent/functioning alcoholic-bringing-child-to-butterfields-i-mean-sequoia thing going on. generally, though, id say its good to see families bonding, you know?

Sequoia Brewing Company 8/5

this couple in the booth were getting into a fight of absolutely epic proportions. she had a mouth on her like an army fry cook. f-bombs every breath, which was interesting because she cried nearly the whole time. at one point the two of them left the building, causing quite a row with the serving staff, but they eventually returned. my ipa heard the whole fight...neither of us are talking!

Sequoia Brewing Company 7/22

evicted from my normal table, chang-rae lee and myself were left to fend for ourselves. uneventful, unless you count the ipa and 'a gesture life'.