Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Sequoia Brewing Company 5/5

i can accept the fact that some chumps took my usual table, but those two fruits up there had the most annoying...AND LOUDEST...conversation about movies ive ever heard. the guy on the right looked like a pencil salesman (with an ear ring, of course), and the don imus wannabe on the left rambled and rambled about how 'citizen kane' was boorish.

i try to be 'beer inclussive', but if i hear another cowboy badmouth citizen kane, im going to have to give him a cowboy education.

Dave's Firehouse BBQ 5/4

family platter (feeds 6!) of ribs and various other former farm animals. quite tasty! that tall feller would be a 22oz bud light. dont hassle me. ive said it before and ill say it again: im not a beer elitist. if its snobby you want, visit go it. but you'll be back. they always come back. even warm beer is better than no beer. put THAT in your pipe and smoke it.

Sequoia Brewing Company 4/28

that would be my advanced placement course audit that im working on...a 10 page document asserting to the college board that, esentially, im not a drunk teaching a bunch of monkeys how to sing. its due june 1st, so plan on seeing that book in the background of a few more pictures. i dont know about you, but my ipa is looking rather tired.

Sequoia Brewing Company 4/14

squint. see that dude in white shirt? teacher. how do i know? he was grading papers. it reinforces two long-held, and fundamental beliefs upon which ive built my career. 1) teachers and long shoremen are the hardest drinkers on the planet, and 2) i'm not crazy for drinking beer while getting work done.

Bubba Gumb Shrimp Co., Monterrey, Ca. 4/4

while on our honeymoon, jen and i went to a movie (reign over me) and then had dinner. it was sunday night, so at 9:30 we were the only two people in the restaurant...i really hope the cooks didnt spit in my food. naturally, the 'anchor steam' helped me get through it with flying colors. its the kind of thing honeymoons are made of.

The Sardine Factory, Monterrey, Ca. 4/2

no, it's not beer, but i dont think the ocean-fresh seafood i was eating cared one way or the other about what i was drinking. jen and i on our honeymoon...yes, its the wine glass making her face look that way. a very expensive meal, which is why i spend $170 only once a year. funny thing...table to the left looked it was 4 kids out on prom, the table in the far-middle was a family of 5. 3 kids throwing down (and not finishing) $25 hamburgers. no wonder everyone hates rich white people.

Sequoia Brewing Company 3/21

notice the colorful book thing? its a program of information about the presenters at the MELUS conference, of which i am one. who says beer and notoriety cannot coexist peacefully? i celebrated my success with a couple ipa's, and an order of fried pickles. i acknowledge how that sounds, but they are stunningly good and i'd wager slightly better for you than a fried twinkie.