Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Home - March 08

Uncle Rico (I kid you not) is stopped in front of my house by the Fresno PD. I told you biotches that I live in the hood! The FPD spent about an hour and a half trying to come up with something to bring this rat in. They finally money well spent. Why? He was walking around with a two year old nephew who was literally walking in the streets with Uncle Rico nowhere to be found. The IPA is getting a lesson in modern American life.

The Public House - May 08

Found a different pub that serves Boddingtons on tap. Hooray for that! You could pour Boddingtons on your cereal and not taste a difference. The drunk thing would throw you off, but other than that, it's the exact same. Huge bar, lame clientelle, Boddingtons on make the call.

Mrs. Watterson's House - May 08 pt 2

There's Ameli and Jen, and a gal whose hand I shook, though I don't know at all who she is. There seems to be a drunken kind of happy face in my Sierra Nevada. That's funny, I feel the same way.

Mrs. Watterson's House - May 08 pt 1

White trash/brown pride 30th birthday party for friends of the the family. You are looking at Melee (muh-lee) and Amelie (like the movie). Melee just ran her first marathon. My Sierra Nevada is impressed at the scene, and looking forward to some homemade Mexican cuisine.

Sequoia Brewing Company - April 08

This is the other half of the "I didn't know hip hop, much less tha-wigga-thang was out" crew. I kid you not, he's at least 35. It'd be sad if my IPA wasn't shaking its head at the sad state of the modern American man.

Sequoia Brewing Company - April 08

See that cat there? Strolls in wearing Creepers (ask your mom and/or your kid) a stage two greaser mullet, orders a beer and some food, and begins smiling and talking to himself. He's well put together except for the look, the loneliness, and the heavy mascara. Did I forget to mention that? Hard to believe. The IPA knows have to give the stink eye, therefore, the stink eye it is. By the way, I saw him a week later, and he had the full raccoon/Annie Lennox/Michael Stype eye makeup. Haven't seen him since, though. Let your freak flag fly.

Home - March 08

You've finished your deck, and you feel like a man. How can you follow that? Yeah you know me...I'm down with IPA. Isn't it cute to see how proud he is? Little man.

Sequoia Brewing Company - March 08

One of the most disgusting displays I've ever seen. Fat Republican-looking dude in uniform (nylon windbreaker, golf baseball cap, Dockers) goes outside to taunt a social misfit. Misfit's name is Dave Clark. Mentally It was like jr high all over again. To top it off, the fat Republican's two fat kids moved their chairs to watch dad make fun of another grown adult. I should mention that Mr. Clark is disabled. F-ing McCain. I've included the outside shot, though you won't be able to see much...enjoy the white doughy the way, golf sucks.

Sequoia Brewing Company - March 08

I like to work in the pub, but it's really hard when people stand over you and talk louder than the room. Manny, Moe and Jack helped me not to get anything done. Remember that tall glass cost that dude $700. I guess he's earned the right to talk loud.