Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Home 10/14

jen tired from a day of doing it potterybarn style is not interested in me leaving for my sequoia therapy session, so i snagged a half-growler. good to snag some quality time with the whole family.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Home Theater (Yet To Be Named)

hey, here's a good idea. lets get some ipa's, watch monday night football on a giant screen, and cry while the steelers throw away another possible win. "SON OF BEETCH!!" says i. "easy big fella," says the sequoia ipa.

Sequoia Brewing Company 10/7

a gesture life...finished. band aid...bashed my finger building a fence that the city requires in order for me to hide my garbage cans. black fingernails...in honor of my late cousin eric, october being one of his favorite months...a season of blackness for sure. ipa...hand across heart.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Sequoia Brewing Company 9/30

i asked for two ipa's. ive ordered 2 for at least two years (i'll say it again...ordering anything less is a waste of time PLUS it gives me time to work without trying to get the waiters attention to get me another one). imagine my consternation when one ipa arrives. waiter says he cant serve two. "let me see a manager" says i. no manager shows up, but a second ipa does. it doesnt end there. bussboy walks up and says, "are you dan?" "close enough" says i. "pick up line 1" says he. so i does just that. jen called to tell me she was going out with friends...stupid me, i thought it was an actual emergency, given that jen has never called me there before. heart racing, i get off the phone, and the greeter says "you can't use the phone, bro". like i just got up to use the phone of my own accord. it was like someone replaced my beloved bar with some strange state-run beer joint. got hardly any work done. bad times indeed.

Sequoia Brewing Company 9/23

this guy was a curiosity to me. he must've had alot on his mind because he didnt move from this spot (and hardly from this position) for an hour and a half. once in a while a guy gets released from prison and stops in for a beer...maybe that's what is going on. the ipa's are giving him the stink-eye.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

IPA--Steelers Lose

For what appears to be a pattern, the Steelers get their asses handed to them. my ipa doesnt care, nor do my feet (not to mention my 10foot screen).

Sequoia Brewing Company 9/9

my ipa listens as jen weaves a ribald tale about how fresno state once again loses to a far superior university. it was a good night...except for the fsu loss...not that i care.